Garden Maintenance
I remain a hands-on gardener, offering maintenance services for clients alongside or independent of my design services.
Pruning – all types of pruning carried out: formative, maintenance and renovation at the right times of year for optimum floral displays or fruit production.
Planting – herbaceous perennials, bare-root and trees/shrubs.
Weeding – maintenance hand weeding of any unwelcome brambles, knot-weed, perennial and annual weeds. I don’t use chemicals, mitigating the environmental damage to both plants and wildlife.
Ground preparation – for raised beds and borders or laying/repairing turf in lawns.
Mulching – source and apply mulches to your beds and borders and containers in mid-late spring and again in autumn or as needed. This will retain moisture, suppress weeds and, if organic, release nutrients into the soil.
Composting – if you like the idea and have the space to store it, I can show you how to make compost on site so that you have your own organic compost to hand for mulches and planting. This is the best compost when made properly, not just because it has the lowest carbon footprint, but because you know exactly what is in it!
Case Studies
Quick Turnover Project
St. Paul’s, Bristol
The brief:A buy to sell quick turnover project with a limited budget. My brief was to remove the existing jungle of weeds and overgrowth, along with years of detritus (household and hazardous waste) and get the garden back to its ‘bones’ in order to make the garden presentable to prospective buyers. The budget given was to include laying of new turf to one side, erect fencing, lay a small patio area and plant in some small evergreen shrubs and grasses. There wasn’t any scope for creative vision, given the timescale and budget but the final transformation was remarkable.
Raised Beds Development
Residential Garden, Bristol
The Brief: To level the site, build two 8’x4’ raised vegetable beds and plant appropriate vegetables. The client wanted gravel to surround the beds and requested the upcycling of bricks on site to be used for marking an entrance to the vegetable garden.